Monday, March 20, 2017

3-19- Sunday was not a fun day!

Well, we were wishing for sunny, warm weather! By the time we reached Alabama, we had a beautiful, sunny, warm day. That's when things started "going south" so to speak.

When the heat got a bit too much, we turned on the air conditioner. The van had been thoroughly checked over before the trip...but...who thinks to check the air conditioning when it is snowing? Long story short- the air conditioner was not working. At all. So things quickly got a good bit warmer than we had hoped for.

We were following the gps on my phone to find Marathon Lake Campground in Bienville National Forest. The directions took us down increasingly smaller, dirt roads for about 45 minutes. Then we lost cell signal. Totally. On both of our phones (which are two different systems.) The travel atlas we had did not go into that much detail on the area, and my original directions were now useless. Nevertheless, we eventually found our way to the campground.

We drove around and saw rather quickly that this was not a place where we wanted to stay. Besides having no cell signal, and being quite remote, it seemed to take "roughing it" to a new level. A level that we had absolutely no desire to go to. We eventually found our way back to the highway, rather glad to have successfully escaped. We had a "Plan B" however, and headed to Roosevelt State Park, which was only half an hour away - once we knew where we were.

This park was much closer to civilization and we were glad to have cell service again. We found the gatehouse, breathed a sigh of relief, and drove up to check in. It was, however, closed. No problem, though, as a sign said "If closed, check in at the park office." So we drove on to the park office, where another sign advised us that they closed at 5:00. It was now 5:25.

We drove around the campground and looked for a campground host. There wasn't one. So- we figured we would just find a spot and check in the following day. We found a lovely spot, not too far from the bath house, as a nice relaxing hot shower was at this point way up on my agenda.

I headed for the bath house, which looked very clean, and got ready for my shower. I stepped in to turn on the water- but- the handle was missing. I thought I must be missing something but no- the thing was not working. At all. So- I packed everything up, rather destitute that a shower was not going to happen. But I lucked out as I found another shower which I had overlooked. I had my hair all soaped up when a lady came in and said- "oh dear, someone left their towel." Of course that someone was me.I was just too frazzled by that point. She was kind enough to hand me my towel, saving my sanity.

Just thought I would share the adventure that today has been, but I just successfully sqooshed a mosquito which has been buzzing around my computer only to have its blood smear all over my screen. Enough! It is definitely time to turn off the computer and say goodnight.

Tomorrow is another day!

1 comment:

  1. Gee, what a day! Hope today was much better. Do you have AC now? I commented before but guess it didn't go through. Have fun!
