Monday, March 20, 2017

3-20 Roosevelt State Park

We woke up to a beautiful morning in Roosevelt State Park. Kerry fried eggs and we had leftover fried apple pies from last night.

We drove to the park office and successfully  made reservations for three nights (including last night) for $13 per night- senior rate! We have a pretty campsite overlooking the lake.

Then we drove to Brandon, Mississippi, the Rankin County seat, where Kerry dropped me by the library to do genealogy, and then took the camper to be serviced. The AC is now working again! Yay!

We had a great barbecue lunch and then headed out cemetery hunting- looking for the brother and step-sister of Abraham James Womack. We found the right cemeteries but not the actual stones- so many old stones have gotten worn and are unreadable now.

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