Wednesday, March 22, 2017

3-20- Monday

Our campsite is lovely, with a view of the lake and cool breezes under the pine trees. We will be staying here until Friday morning. We have already met some nice couples who are also camping here.

I spent the morning at the library in Brandon doing genealogy while Kerry took the camper to get the AC fixed. We had a treat for lunch- a delicious barbecue place just across from the library where we enjoyed barbecued brisket, baked beans, cole slaw, fried pickles and the biggest sweet tea I have ever seen!

Afterward we went off on a bit of a wild goose chase looking for gravesites in two cemeteries. We found the cemeteries, but so many of the old stones are unreadable now. 

We returned to our campsite by dusk, and had a delicious cookout of hamburgers, with mushrooms and onions. There was a gentle breeze off the lake which cooled off our camper. It will be good sleeping.